
into your applications

Build and Scale your Financial App on Trove’s API.

The easiest way to build a trading and investment platform

Build and Scale your Financial App on Trove’s API.

The easiest way to build a trading and investment platform

Stock APIs

Real-time & Historical Data APIs for the US, Chinese and London Stocks

Tick by Tick

See every Trade & Quote happening in the US in real-time, and access trillions of rows of historical tick data in an instant using our APIs.

Commission-free Trading

Get stocks data directly from the source. Buy, sell, and short U.S. stocks with zero commissions.

Unlimited REST

There is no limit to how much you can use our stocks data APIs. No maximum queries per minute or daily call limits.

Snapshot APIs

See the entire market at a glance with our powerful Snapshot APIs. You can also query the gainers and losers for the current day.

End-to-End Solution

We do the heavy lifting so you don’t have to. Our APIs cover all the integral parts of building an investing application. We handle KYC, Trade Execution, Money Movement and Research, allowing you to focus on delighting your customers

Robo-Advisor APIs

Tailored profiling and Investment process. Seamless Onboarding
Process designed to meet your requirement

Access to API Library

Gain access to cutting edge AI features that will build your ground-breaking platform.

Start building a custom
trading and investing app

Begin your build right here, right now.

Investment Research APIs

Tailored profiling and Investment process. Seamless Onboarding
Process designed to meet your requirement

market insight tool

Technical analysis and
customizable alert tool

Value Analyser for
thousand for stocks

Get started

Create a developer account, get your credentials, and set up sandbox accounts for testing. We’ll guide you through the steps from start to finish.

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